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Elvis Australia : Official Elvis Presley Fan Club

Hidden Material 'Easter Eggs' On Single Disc Elvis DVD Releases

By Elvis Australia
August 3, 2006

The upcoming single disc reissues of the 1968 Comeback Special and Aloha From Hawaii Special contain some so called 'Easter eggs'. An 'Easter egg' is hidden content on a DVD. It's not listed on or in any of the DVD packaging or shown obviously on the onscreen DVD menu. You have to find it. It's a popular way of delivering to 'in the know' fans special content that the general public might not appreciate fully. On the images you can see how to find the 'Easter egg'.

Here will tell you how to find the hidden 'Easter Egg' content.

68 Comeback

Go into your menu.
Go into the show itself to bring up the individual tracks.
Keep using your right arrow until you get to the end.
Use your right arrow once more, then a silhouette figure will come up.
Hit enter or play.

Aloha From Hawaii

Go to your menu.
Go into the after-show insert song section.
'Play all' should be automatically highlighted, but if it isn't, use your arrows until it is.
Hit your left arrow, and a white silohouette will come up.
Hit enter or play.

What you will find

On the 'Comeback' disc you get, according to the original EPE press release, three takes from the 'Guitar Man' production number featuring the dancers' karate segment and Elvis' final portion of the song 'It Hurts Me' were inadvertently left off of Disc 3 of the 2004 release Elvis: '68 Comeback Special - Deluxe Edition DVD. The one tape containing these three takes had not made it into the inventory of raw tapes when the digital transfers used for the deluxe DVD set were made and were found later. We provide these takes here. Enjoy.

On the the Aloha From Hawaii disc you get various footage according to the original EPE press release: "Elvis appeared in two press conferences leading up to his Aloha from Hawaii concert TV special. To date, copies of the press conferences in their entirety have eluded us. Here, we provide the portions we have been able to locate so far.

September 4, 1972 - Las Vegas Hilton
November 20, 1972 - Hawaiian Village Hotel

An 'arrival in Hawaii' sequence was shot for the Aloha from Hawaii TV special. The complete, pristine raw footage shot by the program's production team is included in the 2-disc set Elvis, Aloha from Hawaii - Deluxe Edition DVD. Here we present some TV news footage".

Buy 1968 Comeback Special Single Disc DVD
Buy Aloha From Hawaii Special Single Disc DVD

- Interview with Steve Binder, director of Elvis' 68 Comeback Special

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